Rougue Elites and Unallied BB.

15 05 2008

The news

Elites  Elite soldiers have been attacking NMA and UT armies, without 77Ninja77 knowing. Although he denies it, his troops are too cocky, and he doesnt always have control over his troops. They need to be tought something. The LOAOCP (League of Armies On Club Penguin) may decide what we are to do. And if this goes on, we will take elites even without our allies.

UT Congratulations for Therinator1 for being the New Co Leader

RPF Has a big tournament planned for bigger armies. I personaly am not joining, but if you want to help any of them or just want to join for a bit of fun, the information is at

NMA We might also join a tournament, but one with smaller armies. Hopefully theyll make one. More information is at

BB Conoriscool7, Angry as he is, was trying to take advantage of the NMA by using his position as a governer of the Yeti server, to invade it and use it as BB land. Well Conoriscool7, too bad! You are out of the NMA! For Ever! This is what he posted on the BB site

Okay, the NMA has made me in charge of the server “Yeti”. therefore, i have almost all posetion of it. It is neuteral, therefore, there are no armies in it. LETS MAKE IT OURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we can Massacre it, Raid it, whatever!!!!!! lets capture it!!!!

If you see any BB on our territory, claiming it, Fire! Conoriscool7 is now a public enemy to the NMA, and If you see him, no matter where or when let him know he is NOT Wanted! I give permission to fire at will!

A Duckie (BeachPig)



3 responses

15 05 2008

A BB attack! I’ll send in troops to attack BB. Theres an elite meeting I have to crash Friday. I’m going to attack the elites that come.

16 05 2008

And Therinator1 won.

23 05 2008


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