Main News.

21 05 2008

Ok since a lot of things have been happening, I wanted to post just a few main things here.

CPR Ok Club Penguin Rangers are officially enemies. They dont like any army, including ACP and UT, and are Allied with the Elites. All theyr really want is to Destroy. Well too bad. We dont like that. NMA was made to make CP more equal, and if we have to fight, we will. CPR are going down!

Why Us? lol Anyway, a new army wants to take over Half Pipe. Hurrah. They have not chosen a time yet, but we should try patrol Half Pipe, for at least 5-10 mins a day. To check up on their site, look at (link supplied by RICE) Thanks

NMA I have split up the Ranks, Squads and Bases page, and Made a new page, N.O.N.M.A (Nation of the Non Member Army) Check it out! We have gotten rid of servers we dont need, and have added new governers! Check them out! Also, the Ranks Squads and Bases has been shortened to Ranks. Comment and tell me what you think!

LOAOCP We may have a practise war, with the LOAOCP (league of Armies of Club Penguin). It will be either NMA and MW vs FF and LCP or NMA and LCP vs FF and MW. Vote at and take a look at the link. Either way, we should fight hard!

A Duckie, with NMA News!